Hangzhou, China 19 – 22 October, 2007
((Program /
Registration Form)
The European Coucil of EURO-CHINA, the President, the Members, the Experts, the Representatives, the Associates, the Friends and our Staff in China and in Europe are very glad and honoured to invite You and your Collaborators as well as the friends of EURO-CHINA or the relevant institutional Leaders, the interested Authorities, the Representatives of the Media (Television, newspapers and specialized magazines) to attend the 14th Edition of the EURO-CHINA Business Forum in Hangzhou, 19-22 October 2007.
This important international event will be open by the Founding President frm. Ambassador Sir. Polo Padolecchia, who will retrace the long and successful road of our Strategy Advisors Organization, created in 1986under the auspices of the European Commission and of the United Nations, with the purpose of encouraging and facilitating the economic and technological cooperation between the European and the Chinese enterprises end during more than 20 years of field service in Europe and in China has successfully implemented some 16.000 projects, in all sectors of Industry, Trade, Technology Transfer, Investment and Managerial Training.
This annual Forum is being promoted and is supported by distinguished academic, industrial and institutional Leaders from Hangzhou (China) and aims at encouraging the business contactnand to exchange ideas and concept about vital problems of Sustainable Development and cooperation, especially in areas and sectors of great interests, such technological innovation, new sources of Energy, environmental protection and trade globalization problems.
Owing to the generous sponsorship of the Chines Authoritries, all costs for Hotel, Restaurants and local transportation will be free of charge for the European Partecipants (who shall only bear the air transportation).
We look forward to welcome you in the splendid and very active city of Hangzhou wich Marco Polo called the “Paradise on Earth”, and we kindly request you to fill up the Registration form and return it
whitin 1st September 2007 owing to the limited number of places available.
Your Sincerely,
frm. Ambassador Prof. Siro Polo Padolecchia
President C.E.O.
EURO-CHINA International Group