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JEWELS OF CHINA TOUR (kar-Y120522078)

Itinerario: Hong Kong - Guilin - Hangzhou - Suzhou - Shanghai - Nanjing - Xi'an - Beijing 

Caratteristiche: un viaggio con le principali città della Cina. 
Per chi vuole vivere un viaggio in libertà; alcune giornate con visite guidate in opzione.

Day 1
Destination: Entrance City to Hong Kong
Travel: Flight No. TBA (Your arrangements)
Accommodation: in Hong Kong

Day 2
Destination: Hong Kong to Guilin
Travel: HX123 Dep 16:15 - Arr 17:45 (Economy class)
Accommodation: in Guilin
Meals: Breakfast

Day 3
Destination: Guilin
Accommodation: in Guilin
Services & Highlights: Li River Cruise
Meals: Breakfast, Chinese Lunch

--Li River Cruise: A cruise along the Li River between Guilin and Yangshuo is an unforgettable experience. As you take in the stunning scenery there's something interesting to see at almost every bend in the river. Between spectacular limestone peaks you'll see graceful bamboo groves, farmers tending rice paddies, and lumbering water buffaloes pulling carts or cooling off in the river. You may see fishermen gliding along on their narrow bamboo rafts, and if you're very lucky you might see one of the famous fishing cormorants. Boats depart from various wharves, according to the height of the river at different times of the year. 

Day 4
Destination: Guilin to Hangzhou
Travel: Shandong Airlines SC4646 Dep 19:10 - Arr 21:00 (Economy class)
Accommodation: in Hanghzou
Meals: Breakfast

Day 5 
Destination: Hangzhou
Accommodation: in Hanghzou
Meals: Breakfast 

Day 6
Destination: Hangzhou
Accommodation: in Hangzhou
Meals: Breakfast 

Day 7
Destination: Hangzhou to Suzhou
Travel: Train No. G7384 (Hangzhou Railway Station Railway Station - Suzhou Railway Station Railway Station) Dep 10:08 - Arr 11:42 (second-class)
Accommodation: in Suzhou
Meals: Breakfast

Day 8
Destination: Suzhou
Accommodation: in Suzhou
Meals: Breakfast

Day 9
Destination: Suzhou to Shanghai
Travel: Train No. G7003 (Suzhou Railway Station Railway Station - Shanghai Railway Station Railway Station) Dep 09:07 - Arr 09:32 (second-class)
Accommodation: in  Shanghai
Meals: Breakfast

Day 10
Destination: Shanghai
Accommodation: in Shanghai
Meals: Breakfast 

Day 11 
Destination: Shanghai to Nanjing
Travel: Train No. G7006 (Shanghai Railway Station - Nanjing Railway Station) Dep 9:00AM - Arr 10:19AM (Second class)
Accommodation: in Nanjing
Meals: Breakfast

Day 12 
Destination: Nanjing
Accommodation: in Nanjing
Meals: Breakfast 

Day 13 
Destination: Nanjing to Overnight train
Travel: Train No. T138/T139 (Nanjing Railway Station - Xian Railway Station) Dep 19:13 - Arr 08:21 (Soft sleeper)
Accommodation: Stay on train 
Services & Highlights
Meals: Breakfast

Day 14
Destination: Overnight train to Xi'an
Accommodation: in Xi'an
Meals: Breakfast

Day 15
Destination: Xi'an to Overnight train
Travel: Train No. Z20 (Xi'an Railway Station - Beijing West Railway Station) Dep 19:55 - Arr 07:10 (Soft sleeper)
Accommodation: Stay on train 
Meals: Breakfast

Day 16
Destination: Overnight train to Beijing
Accommodation: in Beijing
Services & Highlights: Free time

Day 17
Destination: Beijing
Accommodation: in Beijing
Meals: Breakfast

Day 18
Destination: Beijing
Accommodation: in Beijing 
Services & Highlights: Free time
Meals: Breakfast 

Day 19 
Destination: Beijing
Accommodation: in Beijing 
Services & Highlights: Free time
Meals: Breakfast 

Day 20
Destination: Beijing to Departure City
Travel: Flight No. TBA (Your arrangements)
Meals: Breakfast 

A questo viaggio possono essere aggiunte tutte le visite che si desiderano, ma noi segnaliamo quelle che riteniamo più complicate da essere realizzate da soli.


Tour guidato con partenza dall'hotel di Suzhou

2-5 people € 66 P.P 
6-9 people € 46 p.p

Services & Highlights: The No.1 Silk Factory, Tongli, Lingering Garden, Chinese lunch
The No.1 Silk Factory (1 hour): Suzhou is famous for its silk produts. Tourists may go and see how the silk is processed from worm to the final product, and some of the silk history of in China. There's also an opportunity to buy something beautiful from the showroom, or just enjoy the goods on display.
Tongli: Tongli town has a history of more than one thousand years. There are over hundreds of gardens established in Ming dynasty and Qing dynasty, temples, cartilages and former residence of eminent souls. Fifteen rivers divide the town into seven islands and fortynine sets of historic bridges connect the town as a whole.
Lingering Garden (1 hour): Suzhou is famous for its gardens.Lingering Garden is an elaborate succession of small gardens. Lingering in a garden you will marvel at its unique architecture and art. It is located on No.338 Liuyuan Road, Suzhou City. 
Designed to "linger" through the generations, with a succession of small beautifully landscaped gardens, pools and pavements and a pavilion for each season. It has wonderful covered walkways, carved corridors, elaborately shaped doorways and perfect viewpoints for a variety of perspectives on this special garden.
Yangyang Dumpling Restaurant: Originally established as a dumpling factory, Yangyang has developed into a restaurant serving diversified cuisine. Combining traditional delicacies with western-style food, Yangyang has been recognized by overseas tourist magazines. 

One-day tour to Suzhou from Shanghai with private car

1 person: € 210
2-5 persons € 135 p.p. 
6-9 persons: € 64 p.p.  

Destination: Shanghai to Suzhou to Shanghai
Services & Highlights: Our guide and driver will escort you from Shanghai to Suzhou, Lingering Garden, The Grand Canal (Cruising by Motor Boat), Humble Administrators Garden, Our guide and driver will escort you from Suzhou to Shanghai
Meals: Chinese Lunch at Yangyang Dumpling Restaurant


2-5 people €100 p.p. 
6-9 people €74 p.p.

Services & Highlights: Muslim Quarters, Banpo Museum, Great Mosque, The Terracotta Warriors and Horses, Chinese lunch

Muslim Quarters (1 hour): The Muslim quarters lies 100 meters west of the Bell tower in downtown Xi'an. The 500 meters long avenue paved by bluestones are dotted with many unique stall, souvenir shop, café and bars which are mostly run by Muslim people. Tourists, especially from overseas come and shop here.
Qianzhou Restaurant (Xiao Yanta Branch): Qianzhou Restaurant is well-known for its local flavors and ingredients originating from Qian County. The style, Qianzhou Four Treasures is considered to be famous nationally. The specialties are of ancient origin from the Tang Dynasty and leave customers with great culinary memories.
Banpo Museum (1 hour): Remains of a 6000 year old Neolithic community discovered in 1953. Today there are 2 exhibition halls, displaying items from the site such as stone tools, spinning wheels, pottery and daily living utensils. The third Site Hall (a bit over half an acre) demonstrates the residential, pottery making and burial sections of the village, including huts, kilns and tombs.
Great Mosque (1 hour): In the heart of Xian's Muslim quarter, close to the city centre, this is one of the largest Islamic mosques in China. Remarkable for the combination of Chinese architecture with Islamic practice, the courtyards align from east to west facing Mecca. The pavilions, halls and gateways are wonderfully decorated, and this is an active place of worship for the Hui descendants of Silk Road traders and travelers.
The Terracotta Warriors and Horses (2 hours): Discovered accidentally in 1974, this incredible army of over 7000 soldiers, archers, horses and chariots in full battle array has guarded Emperor Qin's tomb since 210BC. Each figure is unique, and the painstaking repair and excavation continues in 3 pits which are protected inside huge hangars. 1.5 hours from Xian, there is also an excellent museum and film about the history of the vaults. Photos (no flash) are allowed. Wear comfortable walking shoes. 


2-5 people €93 p.p. 
6-9 people €64 $ p.p.

Services & Highlights: The Mutianyu Great Wall (with round way cable car), Summer Palace, Chinese lunch

The Mutianyu Great Wall (with round way cable car) (2 hours): This less-crowded section of the Great Wall is a about 2.5 hours' drive from downtown Beijing. A cable car takes you to a good section (avoiding a very steep climb), where you can walk along the wall, through the watch towers and enjoy superb views as it snakes across the hills and mountains. You can return by cable car, walk down or walk along the wall for about an hour to descend by chairlift. Wear good walking shoes and protection from the weather.
Jing Mian Da Wang Restaurant (Di'anmen Branch): This restaurant of typical Chinese style, it serves authentic dishes of Old Beijing fare - hand-pulled noodles, cold dishes, snack foods and more. Having the taste of the tasty noodles, usually eaten with a thick sesame and soy-based sauce.
Summer Palace (1.5 hours): Much-loved summer retreat of the Imperial families, the lovely landscaped gardens, halls, pavilions and corridors are set around the lake and rivers in natural harmony. It is the largest and best preserved imperial garden in China, and also a World Heritage Site. 


City *** ****
Hong Kong Metropark Hotel Kowloon
75, Waterloo Road, Kowloon
Salisbury YMCA Hotel
41, Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Guilin Osmanthus Hotel
South Zhongshan Road
Bravo Hotel
14 Ronghu Road, South
Hangzhou Lily Hotel Hangzhou 
45, Shuguang Road
Ramada Plaza Hangzhou Haihua  
298 Qing Chun Road
Suzhou Garden Hotel
477, Liuyuan Road
Holiday Inn Jasmine Suzhou 
345, Changxu Road
Shanghai Kingtown Hotel Plaza
126, Xinzha Road
The Bund Hotel
525, Guangdong Road
Nanjing Orange Hotel Nanjing Confucian Temple
262830, Dashiba Street
Nanjing Central Hotel
75, Zhongshan Road
Xi'an Xian Skytel Hotel
32, South Street
Grand Noble Hotel
334, Dong Da Jie (East Street)
Beijing Days Inn Forbidden City Beijing
99, Nanheyan St.,Dongcheng Distr.
Sunworld Hotel Beijing
88, Dengshikou Street

- Come da programma

COSTO (per persona in euro*, senza le opzioni elencate a fine programma):

Hotel 3* Alta stagione Suppl. singola
2-5 persone 1654 627
6-9 persone 1566 627
Hotel 4* Alta stagione Suppl. singola
2-5 persone 1910 883
6-9 persone 1822 883
Quota di iscrizione: € 50 (comprensiva di assicurazione medico-bagaglio)
* La quotazione è calcolata con un cambio di CNY/USD = 6,13 e €/USD = 1,28



L'itinerario sopra riportato può essere personalizzato su richiesta. E' possibile apportare variazioni sulla lunghezza del viaggio e quindi diminuire o aumentare il numero di località da visitare, diminuire il numero di servizi.
Servizi minimi: pernottamenti e trasferimenti tra località oppure i soli pernottamenti nel caso di soggiorno in una sola località.

| Notizie generali | Passaporto e visti | Distanze chilometriche | Prefissi telefonici |
Orario e costo treni | Costo aerei | Costo transfer | Costo hotel ed escursioni |

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