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1. 十面埋伏 -  Ambush from Ten Sides
Liu Fang

2. Bianca neve sotto il sole di primavera
陽春白雪 Spring Snowfall -  Pipa master Lin Shi-Chen

3. 小月儿高 - The Moon is High

4. 江洋《花木兰》第八届金钟奖琵琶比赛决赛
Jiang Yang suona "Hua Mulan", per pipa e orchestra, 
alle finali della 8^ edizione del premio "Golden Bell"

5. Ren Hong (任宏) - Pipa - The Spring on the Tianshan Mountains 天山之春

6. 春江花月夜 (琵琶、古箏二重奏) 
English title: Moonlight Of Spring River

7. 赵聪 Zhao Cong - 琵琶吟 Whisper of Pipa / 天海蓝蓝 Blue Sky


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