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A Chronology of Chinese History
Chronology of Chinese History
Conversion Table for Years (1860-1996)
History Timeline
The History Pages ***
Timetable of Chinese History (Yutopian)
Army Area Handbook on China
Era and Timeline of Chinese History.(di Seke Wei) - Codifica per le parti in cinese: Cinese Big5
Chinese History Research Site at University of California, San Diego (per le parti in cinese codifica in BIG5)
Chronology of Chinese Dynasties
Detailed Chronology of Dynasties and Reigns [BIG5]
Condensed China: Chinese History for Beginners
Author, Paul Frankenstein: "This is more like "Chinese History: the Cliff Notes version" or "Chinese History's Greatest Hits" than a full-fledged history."
Ritratti di Imperatori cinesi
The Silk Road
A well-written, accurate, large single document history by Oliver Wild, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge
Ancient Chinese Historical Text
Fossil Evidence for Human Evolution in China
Time Line of Fossil Evidence in China
Images of Ancient Fossils and Text
Early Pleistocene Hominids in China
Searching for our Primate Ancestors in China
Ancient Chinese Dinasties I
Ancient Chinese Dinasties II
The Taiping Rebellion (www.watson.org)
History of the Educational System of China
Remembering Suzhou: Urbanism in Late Imperial China

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