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Philosophy of Language in Classical China
Philosophy of Mind in China
Language and Logic in Ancient China

An early history of Philosophy in China

Philosophy of Language in Classical China (Confucius: Rectifying Names / Mozi: language utilitarianism / Later Mohist Realism / The School of Names: Kung-sun Lung and Hui Shi / Chuangzi: Skeptical Relativism / Xunzi: Confucian Conventionalism / The Aftermath: Death of Philosophy / Glossary (In Big 5 coding) / Reading List / Theory of language

Han Fei. A Legalist Writer: Selections from The Writings of Han Fei (c. 230 BC.) (Brooklyn University)
Sima Qian : The Legalist Polices of the Qin, Selections from The Records of the Grand Historian
Shendao (hku.hk)
Zhuangzi (hku.hk)
Confucianism (newadvent.org)
Confucianism (Article written by Judith A. Berling)
Il Lun Yu, gli Annaletti di Confucio - traduzione integrale ita.gif (67 byte) (anche in cinese, giapponese, inglese, tedesco, tagalog, malese, olandese, portoghese, russo, tamil, coreano, arabo)
Confucio, una biografia ita.gif (67 byte)
Laozi e Taoismo
Laozi (hku.hk)
Dao (Tao) (way:guide)
You-wu (Being-Nonbeing)
Shi-fei (is this-is not)
Wu-wei (Non-action)
Qing (Reality/feelings)  
The Tao and its name
Is Anything left of Lao-Zhuang Daoism?
The Status of Lao-Zhuang Daoism
Shang Yang (Lord Shang)
Shen Buhai
Later Mohist Dialecticians
Law Rights

Do Human Rights Apply to China? A Normative Analysis of Cultural Difference

Chinese Values, Human Rights and Comparative Philosophy
The Rule of Law: Chinese Substance and Western Function
Comparative Ethics and Global Moral Synthesis: The Case of Asian Values


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