Xiamen, China 08 - 10 September 2002 (CIFIT)


EURO-CHINA BUSINESS FORUM in the framework of the 6th China International Fair for Investment & Trade (CIFIT), the largest event in Asia, has the purpose to encourage the economic co-operation between European and Chinese enterprises, in the creation of Joint Ventures or other forms of industrial investment, distribution, leasing, franchising, licensing, and business representation.

The FORUM will focus upon key issues and experiences of European and Chinese Business Leaders responsible for management and marketing strategies, import/export, industrial and financial investment, business development, etc.

Dates: 08 - 10 September 2002

Venue: Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, China

Forum Programme

6th - 7th Sep.

Registration of Participants (at the Hotel Desk or at the Int. Exhibition Center)

7th Sep.

Briefing of Participants by the EURO-CHINA Representatives (about 1 hour)

16:00 Press Conference with the intervention of CIFIT and EURO-CHINA leaders

Prof. S. Polo Padolecchia and VIP European Participants at the Forum will be received by Chinese Central Government Authorities

18:30 Welcome Cocktail Reception

8th Sep.

9:08 Morning: Opening Ceremony and Welcome Speeches

Guided tour of the Int. Exhibition Centre

12:30 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 17:00: Plenary Session with presentations and speeches by Representatives of European and Chinese Institutions and Enterprises. Panel discussions.

18:30 Gala Banquet

9th Sep. Beginning 9:00 am

Panel discussion with the participation of European Institutions and Enterprises, Investment Bankers, Chambers of Commerce, Associations, Federations of Industry, as well as Chinese regional Delegations led by local authorities, on economic co-operation and foreign investment issues

Round-table discussions and eventual negotiations on Projects Proposals, between European and Chinese entrepreneurs (Projects proposals shall be submitted in advance, in order to identify the qualified potential partners)

12:30 Lunch

14:30- 17:30 Continuation of Panel or Round-table discussions

19:30 Art Performance (Combined with Cocktails)

Free individual dinners

10th Sep.

9:00 am Continuation of Panel and Round-table discussions

12:00 Closing Lunch with European and Chinese leaders


Eventual guided tours to Xiamen, Economic Zone or to visit local enterprises;

or departure for tours in other cities (for business contacts or cultural interests), according to individual requests submitted to and organized by EURO-CHINA with assistance of CIFIT;

or departure for Europe.


Note: Shuttle service will be available everyday to take Participants from Hotel to the EURO-CHINA Business Forum and return.


* the final Programme will be sent to registered Participants within 15 August 2002.