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TOChina Summer School (8th edition)
Politics, Political Economy and Foreign Policy of contemporary China

23 giugno - 4 luglio 2014

TOChina Summer School (8th edition): Politics, Political Economy and Foreign Policy of contemporary China

Torino (Italy) 23 June - 4 July 2014: Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Torino

Please visit www.tochina.it/summerschool and see attached poster for information on the program, scholarships and application requirements.

Speakers and sessions:

Nasir Al Tamimi (Al Arabiya)
LECTURE | China’s engagement with the GCC countries in the context of the “Arab spring”

Geremie Barmé (CIW, Australian National University)
LECTURE | The Temporal Landscape of Xi Jinping’s China
DISCUSSION WITH THE AUTHOR | Shared Destiny and Accounting for China

Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard (Copenhagen Business School)
LECTURE | Spoils system and revolving doors à la chinoise: élite mobility and the Party-State
LECTURE | Reform or perish? Winners, losers and clock-speed in State-Owned enterprises reform after the 2013 Third Plenum

Kent Deng (LSE)
LECTURE | China’s political economy in modern times: changes and continuity, 1800-2000

Fu Chenggang 傅诚刚 (Boyuan Foundation)
LECTURE | What role for independent foundations and think-tanks in China? The case of Boyuan
TALK OVER A CAFFE’ | Firms and financial infrastructure in China: competition, regulation and politics

Sandro Furlan (ENI)
LECTURE | China’s role in the current energy geopolitics

Jean Francois Huchet (INALCO)
LECTURE | Making sense of China’s state capitalism after the global financial crisis. 
LECTURE | Prospects for Sino-Indian relations after the leadership changes in Beijing and Delhi

Liang Yabin 梁亚滨 (Central Party School of the Communist Party of China)
LECTURE | Does Beijing have a grand strategy? The changing international order and China’s foreign policy
LECTURE | The role of the Central Party School and the evolving spectrum of debated policies from Hu Yaobang to Xi Jinping

Niu Xinchun 牛新春 (CICIR 中国现代国际关系研究院) 
LECTURE | The strategic impact of US re-balancing on West Asia and Northern Africa

Yitzhak Shichor (Haifa University)
LECTURE | Beijing’s Xinjiang policy and its impact on China’s engagement with West Asia and Northern Africa

Patricia Thornton (University of Oxford)
LECTURE | Civil society or People’s society? The CCP at the grassroots level
DOCUMENTARY & COMMENT | Revolution and dissent: a comment to “The Revolutionary”

Luigi Tomba (CIW, Australian National University)
LECTURE | The moral governance of inequality: historicizing China’s wealth and poverty
CENTRO EINAUDI KEYNOTE SPEECH | The Chinese middle class going global? The internationalization of Chinese household strategies
TALK OVER A CAFFE’ | Getting published in China studies: tips from a journal Editor

Online applications are welcome through May 30. The program is open to students and professionals from all over the world. Participants are selected through a highly competitive process, strictly based on academic merit, professional achievements and individual potential. Graduate students and young researchers from Europe and Asia make up he bulk of the class every year.

Two types of scholarships are available: FREETORINO scholarships cover tuition fees and half-board accommodation in Torino for the duration of the program; they are especially meant to support international participants. ZEROTASSE cover tuition costs only. 

The program is endorsed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and supported by Fondazione CRT, the Torino World Affairs Institute and the Center on China in the World (ANU).

To apply: www.tochina.it/summerschool 


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