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Rassegna stampa degli articoli riguardanti il terremoto in Cina comparsi sui principali giornali mondiali



Dall'11 giugno
5-10 giugno

1-4 giugno

30-31 maggio
28-29 maggio


Evacuations ongoing as China works to shore up quake lakes (27/05) - The Times

 Chine : 420 000 maisons écroulées après deux répliques du séisme (27/05) - Le Monde

Sur les ruines du Sichuan, la société chinoise s'émancipe (27/05) - Le Figaro

Facts and figures about China quake and relief (28/05, 00:35 ora cinese, -1 18:35 in Italia) - Xinhua

Swollen lake tops China's quake relief agenda, draining, evacuation side by side (28/05, 00:12 ora cinese, -1 18:12 in Italia) - Xinhua

Epidemic prevention still a challenge in China's quake-hit zones (27/05, 23:08 ora cinese, 17:08 in Italia) - Xinhua

More than 60 injured in two fresh aftershocks in China's quake zone (27/05, 20:49 ora cinese, 14:49 in Italia) - Xinhua

Health Ministry: no epidemic outbreak in quake-hit zone (27/05, 19:34 ora cinese, 13:34 in Italia) - Xinhua

Two fresh aftershocks hit China quake zones (27/05, 17:49 ora cinese, 11:49 in Italia) - Xinhua

Allarme esondazione laghi in Cina, evacuate 80 mila persone (27/05) - Rainews24

China town may become an earthquake memorial (27/05) - Los Angeles Times

'Barrier lake' in China threatens up to 1.2 million in earthquake zone (27/05) - Los Angeles Times

Outpouring of Help Shifts Mood in China (27/05) - The Washington Post

 'Quake lake' flood fears for 1.3m people (27/05) - The Guardian

Anguish of China quake's child survivors  (27/05) - The Times

Amid Tremors, a City Trembles With Dread (27/05) - The New York Times

One-Child Policy Lifted for Quake Victims’ Parents (26/05) - The New York Times

Quake-ravaged southwest China wages new war againt mice (27/05, 17:04 ora cinese, 11:04 in Italia) - Xinhua

More people being evacuated from swollen lake area in southwest China (27/05, 16:56 ora cinese, 10:56 in Italia) - Xinhua

5.4-magnitude aftershock hits China quake zone (27/05, 16:12 ora cinese, 10:12 in Italia) - Xinhua

China earthquake death toll rises to 67,183 by Tuesday noon (27/05, 16:06 ora cinese, 10:06 in Italia) - Xinhua

Aftershocks may continue for months (27/05, 14:15 ora cinese, 08:15 in Italia) - Xinhua

Photogallery: Aerial view of Tangjiashan quake lake (27/05, 11:24 ora cinese, 05:24 in Italia) - Xinhua


Phoenix city Tangshan wins battle for life after devastation - (26/05) - The Guardian

Le tremblement de terre en Chine suscite un élan de solidarité sans précédent dans la société (26/05) - Le Monde

Sichuan, le temps arrêté (26/05) - Libération

China pledges severe penalties on quake-related corruption (26/05, 21:59 ora cinese, 15:59 in Italia) - Xinhua

China quake survivors show signs of post-traumatic stress (26/05) - Los Angeles Times

China Struggles to Shelter Millions of Quake’s Homeless (26/05) - The New York Times

China Relaxes One-Child Rule as Quake’s Toll Rises (26/05) - The New York Times

Top legislator visits hospitals, transportation centers in quake-hit Sichuan (26/05, 19:14 ora cinese, 13:14 in Italia) - Xinhua

Drinking water supply to be ensured for another 760,000 rural people in quake zone by weekend (26/05, 18:58 ora cinese, 12:58 in Italia) - Xinhua

Almost 6,000 injured evacuated from China's quake zone (26/05, 18:55 ora cinese, 12:55 in Italia) - Xinhua

Three reservoirs endangered by strong aftershock (26/05, 18:01 ora cinese, 12:01 in Italia) - Xinhua

Video: Quake lakes pose threat 3:02 (26/05) - CNN

Video: Hoping against hope in China 2:30 (26/05) - CNN

China races to dynamite 'quake lake' (26/05) - CNN

China quake survivors show signs of post-traumatic stress (26/05) - Los Angeles Times

A Thwarted Search for Information (26/05) - The Washington Post

Photogallery: Picking Up the Pieces (26/05) - The Washington Post

A seismic shift in China’s relations with West? (26/05) - The Times

Aftershock reawakens terror for refugees across stricken Sichuan (26/05) - The Times

A seismic shift in China’s relations with West? (26/05) - The Times

Tremor injures 400 as flood risk grows (26/05) - The Guardian

Aftershock in China kills at least 6 (26/05) - Los Angeles Times

Death toll rises to 8 as strong aftershock hits China (26/05, 17:05 ora cinese, 11:05 in Italia) - Xinhua

FLASH: CHINA QUAKE DEATH TOLL RISES BY ABOUT 4,520 TO 65,080 (26/05, 16:17 ora cinese, 10:17 in Italia) - Xinhua

Thunderstorms forecast for China's quake-hit Sichuan Province (26/05, 15:45 ora cinese, 09:45 in Italia) - Xinhua

Chinese Party leadership underscores post-quake reconstruction in quake areas (26/05, 15:24 ora cinese, 09:24 in Italia) - Xinhua

 China preparing to drain swelling quake lake  (26/05, 12:47 ora cinese, 06:47 in Italia) - Xinhua

Six killed, one thousand injured as strong aftershock hits China (26/05, 09:36 ora cinese, 03:36 in Italia) - Xinhua

Aftershock Hits China; 2 Dead, Hundreds Hurt (26/05) - The Washington Post

24-25 maggio
22-23 maggio
20-21 maggio
18-19 maggio

16-17 maggio
14-15 maggio
12-13 maggio


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